Hika Car Back Seat Organizer

Fit my seat perfect and does a great job organizing my stuff!

This back seat organizer fit much better than I had expected. It was super simple to put on and looks nice on the back of my seat. I have a truck and still seem to have stuff lying around but with this organizer, I can now have the small things that tend to end up in the back seat or floorboard​ neat and organized.
The Hika back seat organizer easily holds wipes, umbrella's, tablets, small purses, pads, pens, water bottles, almost anything you would want to carry. The mesh allows me to see what is in the pocket at a glance and right now I'm using the bottle holders to hold my umbrella's. I'm sure they'll move once someone needs a bottle holder, lol. I also liked the closed compartment so I can have items out of site to reduce the likely hood of someone seeing something like my tablet and thinking about breaking into my truck to get it. Now they won't see it so the temptation is gone and I feel better taking my tablet with me.
I was afraid that the strap that goes around the seat would be uncomfortable or I would feel it and be bothered. That was not the case at all, I never even noticed it was there while driving which was a big requirement for me to be happy using the organizer. Overall, I'm happy with the look, ease of installation and number of compartments. I was provided a sample of the product for my honest unbiased review. I test each and every product I review. Good or bad, my opinions are from my own experiences with the product and may not always be the same as another person however they are never influenced in any way.
