Jumbl 20 Gallon Slow-Release Watering Bag for Trees

The best way I have found to make sure my trees get the necessary water!

I love planting trees but the watering it takes to keep them thriving after planting is soooo much work! We have to fill buckets and then drive them to the trees daily, then the water just seems to want to run away instead of soaking into the ground. I am so very happy to have this Jumbl 20 gallon watering bag! Now we can water the trees and the water will actually go to the tree instead of running away to feed the grass! It was super easy to use and fill. All you have to do is put it around the tree, zip it up and fill with water! Since our hydrant is no where near the tree I wanted to water, I just filled my buckets with water and take a watering can *removing the shower spout" and fill the bag. I still have to do this daily while the new trees get established, there's no getting around that but now the trees will get the water instead of everything around it. Having lost a lot of trees due to this, the Jumbl slow release watering bag will be an important part in keeping my trees alive! This watering bag will surely be a must have this summer when we can't even buy a drop of rain and the ground gets so hard that it's next to impossible to get it to soak up water unless you stand there pouring gallons upon gallons of water onto it causing lost time and wasting water. Our first tree has a very small trunk but the Jumbl stands up on it's own just fine and when we do get rain, the opening left at the top will allow rain water to be captured and allow it the opportunity to be soaked into the ground. I would recommend this type of watering to anyone planting trees! I was provided a sample of the product for my honest unbiased review. Good or bad, my opinions are from my own experiences with the product and may not always be the same as another person however they are never influenced in any way.
